Location | General | Staff and Contact | Data download | Geology an soil |
Vegetation | Climate | Measurements | Facilities | References |
The Mycklemossen site (SE-Myc, 58°21'N 12°10'E, 80m a.s.l.) is located approximately 80 km north of Gothenburg. It is part of the Skogaryd Research Catchment (SRC) which is part of the national infrastructure SITES. The site is run by University of Gothenburg.
Mycklemossen is a hemi-boreal, oligotrophic bog in southern Sweden and has a catchment area of approximately 0.59 km2.
Measurements have been conducted there since 2012. Mycklemossen received the ICOS label as Class 2 Ecosystem station during the ICOS general Assembly meeting in November 2024.
Staff and Contact
Ecosystem station PI: Per Weslien
contact: mycklemossen@icos-sweden.se
Data download
Non-ICOS (prior ICOS) data and other data gathered through the SITES RI at Mycklemossen site is available at the SITES data portal.
Geology and Soil
The site is composed of a mosaic of drier hummocks and wetter hollows, with peat deposits extending >6m below the surface.
The vegetation at the mire can be classified as Hare’s-tail Cotton grass-Sphagnum rubellum type or Heather-Sphagnum rubellum type according to Påhlsson (1998). The vegetation is fairly homogenous across the mire which is made up of a mosaic of drier hummocks and wetter hollows. The hummocks are dominated by Eriophorum vaginatum and dwarf shrubs such as Calluna vulgaris and Erica tetralix, whereas the hollows are characterized by different Sphagnum species, mainly S. rubellum, S. fallax and S. austinii, and Rhyncospora alba. Towards the centre of the mire, conditions are drier and the vegetation is more forest-like, with a sparse tree layer dominated by Pinus sylvestris, and more dwarf shrubs such as Vaccinium uliginosum, V. myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea.
The long-term (1981-2010) mean air temperature and total precipitation were 6.9 °C and 802 mm.
Measured Ecosystem station variables and summary of station parameters
Variables and measurement heights included in the Ecosystem station program at Mycklemossen are listed on the Ecosystem station introduction page: follow this link to the page
Non-ICOS measurements
The ICOS station Mycklemossen is located in the Skogaryd catchment area, which is part of SITES. It also hosts other complementary measurements from various research projects. A list with all measured parameters will be made available soon.
Eddy covariance (CO2, H2O, CH4) and meteorological (radiation, air temperature, RH, soil temperature, water level, soil heat flux, precipitation, snow depth) measurements have been done continuously since 2015. In 2020 and 2021 instrumentation was replaced and complemented with sensors that are conform with the ICOS Ecosystem station protocols.
As a part of the Skogaryd Research Catchment, Mycklemosssen is part of the SITES network. SITES is a national infrastructure for terrestrial and limnological research with nine field stations, finances similar as ICOS Sweden by support from VR and the local station owner. SITES Spectral has a 9 m tower with vegetation camera, several NDVI sensors (averaging the mire vegetation, or with focus on hollow/hummock vegetation, SITES Spectral also uses droned with multispectral cameras for large scale integrations. The SITES water program conducts continuous water flow measurements of the he two outlets of the mire, Bi-weekly the water is sampled for different chemical components, of these are dissolved organic matter, methane/carbon dioxide dissolved in the water. The site can, as the produce a complete C budget for the ecosystem,
At the edge of the Mycklemossen there is a cabin for site fieldwork. The site has grid power, fiber optical internet connection and outdoor Wi-Fi connection. The site has boardwalks to the ICOS installations but also to additional installation and sensors (see SITES-Water/Spectral at www.fieldsite.se). Boardwalks also exist to manual and automatic chamber installations used by external projects at the site.
Cabins in Skogaryd (Torpet and Hemmet) are used for lodging, office, education, and storage. Field crew, with local knowledge, high tech sensor and instrument knowledge can assist during fieldwork.
A workshop for wood and plastics hand craft as well as work related to electronic repairs and development are provided. A nearby farm provides an advance workshop for construction/repair of field equipment.
- White, J. D., Ahrén, D., Ström, L., Kelly, J., Klemedtsson, L., Keane, B., & Parmentier, F. J. W., 2023. Methane producing and oxidizing microorganisms display a high resilience to drought in a Swedish hemi-boreal mire. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128, e2022JG007362. doi:10.1029/2022JG007362
ICOS ETC labeling report: